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THESE WERE THE MOST POPULAR DATE AT THE 1st ANNUAL DATE HARVEST FESTIVAL, IN COACHELLA CA, ON NOVEMBER 9th. Third Stage of Ripening in a Medjool. Fully ripe, but soft and delicious. Liquifies in smoothies.

Absolutely the BEST Medjool you'll ever eat. Very fragile to pick, sort, clean, and pack. Most growers won't take the care & time to ensure a high quality Rutab Medjool. These are our favorites so we took the time to figure it out. I guarantee you will LOVE them! We really overfill these boxes so they arrive in good condition. Toss them in the freezer; you can eat them frozen! Includes shipping

RUTAB MEDJOOL DATES, 30-45% moisture, 5 & 1/2+ lbs

SKU: 364215376135191
  • Medjool Dates are filled with Potassium, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese, Iron, and B6.  Dates are also the highest in disease-fighting Antioxidants that may help to prevent the development of certain chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimers, and diabetes.  

    Dates have a low glycemic index (GI), which controls how quickly your blood sugar rises after eating, resulting in a sustained recovery both during and after exercise. World class tennis athletes, competing at the Indian Wells Masters, also known as the BNP Paribas &  the WTA Open, in March, always request Medjool Dates be included in their supplies.

    Grown by a Lady Date Farmer on the pristine, sustainably farmed, REGULUS DATE RANCH, the home of Prime Dates.

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